Hosts |
APPC12 is

Hosted by The Physical Society of Japan

Hosted by The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Financial Supports from Organizations/Foundations |
Chiba prefecture
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

United Nations Educational Scientific and
Cultural Organization (Support for ASPEN)
Financial Supports from Companies |


ALMAD Inc. (Support for W.I.P)

Thorlabs Japan Inc. (Support for W.I.P)

Cooperation |
The Physics Education Society of Japan

The Astronomical Society of Japan
The Japanese Society for Neutron Science

The Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research
The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research

The Japan Institute of Matals and Materials

Japan Radioisotope Association
The Vacuum Society of Japan
The Chemical Society of Japan
The Ceramic Society of Japan

The Magnetics Society of Japan
The Laser Society of Japan
The Instiutte of Electronics, Information
and Communication Engineers
Japan Geoscience Union

Chiba City
Chiba City Board of Education
in random order |
12th Asia Pasific Physics Conference |