• Affiliate Members

Affiliate Members

Language : 日本語

JPS has established an affiliate member system to keep active members of society informed about the latest developments in physics and to share the wonder of physics. At first, those who initially joined JPS as regular members (graduate students) were asked to join as affiliate members when they withdrew their membership after graduation and started working. From April 2021, JPS decided to open up these doors to the general public. Membership is now open to anyone who abides by the Code of Ethics, which stipulates minimum standards of etiquette.

With your annual membership dues of 3,000 yen, affiliate members can subscribe to the electronic version of the Nihon Butsuri Gakkaishi (Butsuri), view videos of lectures and other exclusive events for members and affiliate members, attend Online Physics Lectures for free and biannual JPS meetings at a special price (attendance only), and much more.Junior high, high school, and undergraduate students can register with no enrollment fee and annual membership fee.

JPS would like to take this opportunity to encourage all physics enthusiasts to support our activities by becoming an affiliate member.

* To become an affiliate member, applicants must comply with the following Code of Ethics for Affiliate Members of the Physical Society of Japan.

* As stated in Section 4 of the Code of Ethics, please note that JPS does not endorse any statements, presentations, or other activities even if you become an affiliate member.

Code of Ethics for Affiliate Members of the Physical Society of Japan

JPS has established the Affiliate Member System in the hope of increasing the number of people who are interested in physics, enjoy learning about research results and support its activities. Affiliate members are requested to abide by the following points to ensure that all members can enjoy the benefits offered.

1. Confidentiality: Do not disclose or share confidential information (passwords, member-only URLs, etc.) that you may learn about as an affiliate member.

2. Compliance with rules and regulations for using content: In principle, content provided by JPS (articles, videos, live content, etc.) cannot be used for any purpose other than personal viewing. In some cases, content may contain statements on individual usage rules, such as prohibiting recordings, with which affiliate members are requested to comply.

3. Compliance with rules and regulations on the use of a space for information exchange: If setting up a space to ask members questions or exchange information with other affiliate members, please comply with the rules of use set by JSP, including prohibiting the disclosure of information that is not directly related to physics or JPS activities.

4. If you present yourself as an affiliate member of JPS when making personal statements, please clarify that they are your own personal opinions or conclusions and are not attributed to or supported by JPS.