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  • The 3rd AAPPS-JPS Award

The 3rd AAPPS-JPS Award

Language : 日本語

We are happy to announce the 3rd (2025) AAPPS-JPS Award winners.

kawabata kurihara takahashi tanaka higo hirose
Kohei Kawabata Takayuki Kurihara Kazufumi Takahashi Junki Tanaka Tomoya Higo Shigeki Hirose

※In the order of the Japanese syllabary/titles omitted

Full Name Kohei Kawabata
Affiliation Associate Professor, Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
Achievement Symmetry and Topology in Non-Hermitian Physics
Citation in preparation

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Full Name Takayuki Kurihara
Affiliation Research Fellow, Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
Achievement Pioneering nonlinear and spontaneous ultrafast magnonics in terahertz region
Citation in preparation

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Full Name Kazufumi Takahashi
Affiliation Research Assistant Professor, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Achievement Exploring gravity beyond general relativity
Citation in preparation

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Full Name Junki Tanaka
Affiliation Assistant Professor , Osaka University Research Center for Nuclear Physics
Achievement Formation of alpha clusters in dilute neutron-rich matter
Citation in preparation

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Full Name Tomoya Higo
Affiliation Project Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Achievement Exploration of Emerging Functional Properties at the Surface and Interface of Magnetic Topological Semimetals
Citation in preparation

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Full Name Shigeki Hirose
Affiliation Assistant Professor, Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Achievement Experimental study of the Higgs sector using the tau lepton as a probe
Citation in preparation

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