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  • Call for Presentations (JPS 2025 Spring Meeting)

Call for Presentations (JPS 2025 Spring Meeting)

Language : 日本語

The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) calls for presentations to be delivered during the Spring Meeting.

1. Meeting Information

Meeting: JPS 2025 Spring Meeting
Dates: March 18 - 21, 2025
Venue: Online (Virtual meeting)

2. Application Period

From December 17, 2024 to January 9, 2025

3. Speakers Qualification

1) Non-JPS-members are not eligible to submit an abstract. Please complete the membership procedure from "JPS Membership" before making an abstract application.

2) The membership application procedures must be completed by the presentation application deadline. Otherwise, the presentation application will automatically be cancelled.

The following (a)-(c) are special cases in which non-JPS-members are eligible to give presentations at the JPS meeting.

(a) The members of societies having a friendship agreement with JPS are treated as JPS members. List of the corresponding societies.
(b) The members of the Biophysical Society of Japan and the Physics Education Society of Japan are treated as JPS members, when they apply for presentations in the Division 12 (biophysical) and Division 13 (physics education).
(c) Students who are member of either the Mechanical Engineers Society of Japan or the Meteorological Society of Japan can give a presentation in Division 11 if both of the following requirements are satisfied..
・At least one of the coauthors is a JPS member.
・Presentation fee of 5,000 yen is paid in addition to the participation fee for non-member student .
3) If the speaker is a JPS member, coauthors are not required to be the JPS members.
4) All participants must comply with the the Code of Conduct of JPS.

4. Instructions for presentation

Oral presentation: Duration 15 min (10 min + 5 min discussion)
Poster presentation: 2 hours (Prepare your poster in PDF format (max. 5.0 MB) in advance.)

※Except for special cases, each member can apply for three presentations at maximum.
(Note that the number of applications differs from that of the Annual Meeting.)

5. Abstract submission

Upload your abstract in PDF format (max. 2.0 MB) by 14:00 on February 14, 2025. You can find the abstract template here .