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  • 若手奨励賞
  • 第13回(2019年)日本物理学会若手奨励賞 (Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan) 受賞者一覧(五十音順)


第13回(2019年)日本物理学会若手奨励賞 (Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan) 受賞者一覧(五十音順)

[素粒子論領域] [素粒子実験領域] [理論核物理領域] [実験核物理領域] [宇宙線・宇宙物理領域] [ビーム物理領域]
[領域1] [領域2] [領域3] [領域4] [領域5] [領域6] [領域7] [領域8] [領域9] [領域10] [領域11] [領域12] [領域13]

2018/10 up

領域名 素粒子論領域 (3名)
宇賀神 知紀 (沖縄科学技術大学院大学)
Gabor Sarosi and Tomonori Ugajin, "Relative entropy of excited states in two dimensional conformal field theories", JHEP 1607 (2016) 114

Gabor Sarosi and Tomonori Ugajin, "Relative entropy of excited states in conformal field theories of arbitrary dimensions", JHEP 1702 (2017) 060

Gabor Sarosi and Tomonori Ugajin, "Modular Hamiltonians of excited states, OPE blocks and emergent bulk fields", JHEP 1801 (2018) 012
新居 慶太 (ベルン大学理論物理研究所アインシュタイン基礎物理センター)
Keita Nii, "3d duality with adjoint matter from 4d duality", JHEP 1502 (2015) 024

Keita Nii, "3d deconfinement, product gauge group, Seiberg-Witten and new 3d dualities", JHEP1608 (2016) 123

Keita Nii, "Exact results in 3d N = 2 Spin(7) gauge theories with vector and spinor matters", JHEP 1805 (2018) 017
松永 博昭 (チェコ科学アカデミー物理学研究所)
H. Matsunaga, "Nonlinear gauge invariance and WZW-like action for NS-NS superstring field theory", JHEP 1509 (2015) 011

H. Matsunaga, "Notes on the Wess-Zumino-Witten-like structure: L∞ triplet and NS-NS superstring field theory", JHEP 1705 (2017) 095
領域名 素粒子実験領域 (3名)
シャランコヴァ, ラリツァ (東京工業大学 理学院 物理学系)
"Measurement of θ13 in reactor neutrino oscillation with the Double Chooz near and far detectors"(博士論文、東京工業大学、2017年)
陳 詩遠 (東京大学 理学系研究科 物理学専攻)
"Search for Gluinos using Final States with One Isolated Lepton in the LHC-ATLAS Experiment"(博士論文、東京大学、2017年)
本多 俊介 (筑波大学 数理物質科学研究科)
"Search for the Higgs Boson Produced in Association with Top Quarks and Decaying into Bottom Quarks with the ATLAS Detector"(博士論文、筑波大学、2018年)
領域名 理論核物理領域 (2名)
橘 保貴 (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State University)
"Full jet in quark-gluon plasma with hydrodynamic medium response", Y. Tachibana, N.-B. Chang, and G.-Y. Qin, Phys. Rev. C 95, 044909 (2017).
本郷 優 (理化学研究所 数理創造(iTHEMS)プログラム)
"Relativistic hydrodynamics from quantum field theory on the basis of the generalized Gibbs ensemble method", T. Hayata, Y. Hidaka, T. Noumi, and M. Hongo, Phys. Rev. D 92, 065008 (2015)
領域名 実験核物理領域 (3名)
中塚 徳継 (ダルムシュタット工科大学)
"Observation of isoscalar and isovector dipole excitations in neutron-rich 20O", N. Nakatsuka, H. Baba, T. Aumann et. al., Phys. Lett. B 768 (2017) 387
西 隆博 (理化学研究所 仁科加速器科学研究センター)
"Spectroscopy of Pionic Atoms in 122Sn (d, 3He) Reaction and Angular Dependence" T. Nishi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 152505 (2018)
本多 良太郎 (東北大学大学院理学研究科)
"Missing-mass spectroscopy with the 6Li(π-,K+)X reaction to search for Λ6H", R. Honda, M. Agnello, J. K. Ahn et. al., Phys. Rev. C 96, 014005 (2017)

"Repulsion and absorption of the Σ-nucleus potential for Σ-- 5He in the 6Li(π-, K+) reaction", T. Harada, R. Honda, Y. Hirabayashi, Phys. Rev. C 97, 024601 (2018)
領域名 宇宙線・宇宙物理領域 (3名)
周 啓東 (名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所)
ATLAS-LHCf検出器による√s=13TeV陽子-陽子衝突での超前方中性粒子生成への回折事象の寄与の研究 (博士論文)

中村 佳昭 (東京大学宇宙線研究所)
高エネルギー宇宙線の太陽の影と太陽磁場の研究 (博士論文)

仏坂 健太 (プリンストン大学宇宙物理学科)
"Radio Counterparts of Compact Binary Mergers detectable in Gravitational Waves: A Siumlation for an Optimized Survey" K. Hotokezaka, S. Nissanke, G. Hallinan, T. J. W. Lazio, E. Nakar, and T. Piran, Astrophys. J. 830, 190 (2016)

"Progenitor models of the electromagnetic transient associated with the short GRB 130603B", K. Hotokezaka, K. Kyutoku, M. Tanaka, K. Kiuchi, Y. Sekiguchi, M. Shibata, & S. Wanajo, Astrophys. J. Lett. 778, L16 (2013).

"Mass ejection from the merger of binary neutron stars", K. Hotokezaka, K. Kiuchi, K. Kyutoku, H. Okawa, Y. Sekiguchi, M. Shibata, & K. Taniguchi, Phys. Rev. D 87, 024001 (2013).
領域名 ビーム物理領域 (1名)
松葉 俊哉 (広島大学)
"Generation of vector beam with tandem helical undulators", Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 021106 (2018)

領域名 領域1: 原子分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線 (3名)
蘆田 祐人 (東京大学理学系研究科物理学専攻)
"Parity-time-symmetric quantum critical phenomena", Nature Comm. 8, 15791 (2017)

"Diffraction-Unlimited Position Measurement of Ultracold Atoms in an Optical Lattice", Phys.Rev.Lett.115,095301(2015)

"Full-Counting Many-Particle Dynamics: Nonlocal and Chiral Propagation of Correlations", Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 185301 (2018)
生田 力三 (大阪大学大学院 基礎工学研究科物質創成専攻)
"Polarization insensitive frequency conversion for an atom-photon entanglement distribution via a telecom network", Nature Comm.9, 1997(2018)

"Wide-band quantum interface for visible-to-telecommunication wavelength conversion", Nature Comm. 2, 537 (2011).

"Frequency-domain Hong-Ou-Mandel interference", Nature Photonics 10, 441 (2016).
田家 慎太郎 (京都大学理学研究科 物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 物理学第一教室)
"Realization of a SU(2)XSU(6) System of Fermions in a Cold Atomic Gas", Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 190401 (2010)

"An SU(6) Mott insulator of an atomic Fermi gas realized by large-spin Pomeranchuk cooling", Nature Physics 8, 825 (2012).

"Coherent driving and freezing of bosonic matter wave in an optical Lieb lattice", Sci. Adv. 1, e1500854 (2015).
領域名 領域2: プラズマ (2名)
岩田 夏弥 (大阪大学レーザー科学研究所)
Natsumi Iwata, Sadaoki Kojima, Yasuhiko Sentoku, Masayasu Hata and Kunioki Mima, Plasma density limits for hole boring by intense laser pulses, Nature Communications 9, 623 (2018).

Natsumi Iwata, Kunioki Mima, Yasuhiko Sentoku, Akifumi Yogo, Hideo Nagatomo, Hiroaki Nishimura and Hiroshi Azechi, Fast ion acceleration in a foil plasma heated by a multi-picosecond high intensity laser, Physics of Plasmas 24, 073111 (2017).

Akifumi Yogo, Kunioki Mima, Natsumi Iwata, et al., Boosting laser-ion acceleration with multi-picosecond pulses, Scientific Reports 7, 42451 (2017).
成行 泰裕 (富山大学人間発達科学部)
Y. Nariyuki, On nonlinear evolution of low-frequency Alfven waves in weakly-expanding solar wind plasmas,Physics of Plasmas 22, 022309 (2015).

Y. Nariyuki, S. Saito and T. Umeda, A primitive kinetic-fluid model for quasi-parallel propagating magnetohydrodynamic waves, Physics of Plasmas 20, 072115 (2013).

Y. Nariyuki, T. Hada, and K. Tsubouchi, Parametric instabilities of circularly polarized Alfven waves in plasmas with beam protons, J. Geophys. Res. 114, A07102 (2009).
領域名 領域3: 磁性 (3名)
中山 裕康 (物質・材料研究機構 磁性・スピントロニクス材料研究拠点)
"Molecular engineering of Rashba spin-charge converter", H. Nakayama, T. Yamamoto, H. An, K. Tsuda, Y. Einaga, and K. Ando, Science Advances 4, eaar3899 (7 pages) (2018).

"Rashba-Edelstein Magnetoresistance in Metallic Heterostructures", H. Nakayama, Y. Kanno, H. An, T. Tashiro, S. Haku, A. Nomura, and K. Ando, Physical Review Letters 117, 116602 (6 pages) (2016).

"Spin Hall Magnetoresistance Induced by a Non-Equilibrium Proximity Effect", H. Nakayama, M. Althammer, Y.-T. Chen, K. Uchida, Y. Kajiwara, D. Kikuchi, T. Ohtani, S. Geprags, M. Opel, S. Takahashi, R. Gross, G. E. W. Bauer, S. T. B. Goennenwein, and E. Saitoh, Physical Review Letters 110, 206601 (5 pages) (2013).
南部 雄亮 (東北大学 金属材料研究所)
"Spin Fluctuations from Hertz to Terahertz on a Triangular Lattice", Y. Nambu, J. S. Gardner, D. E. MacLaughlin, C. Stock, H. Endo, S. Jonas, T. J. Sato, S. Nakatsuji, and C. Broholm, Physical Review Letters 115, 127202 (5 pages) (2015).

"Pressure-induced Superconductivity in the Iron-based Ladder Material BaFe2S3", H. Takahashi, A. Sugimoto, Y. Nambu, T. Yamauchi, Y. Hirata, T. Kawakami, M. Avdeev, K. Matsubayashi, F. Du, C. Kawashima, H. Soeda, S. Nakano, Y. Uwatoko, Y. Ueda, T.J. Sato, and K. Ohgushi, Nature Materials 14, 1008 - 1013 (2015).

"Incommensurate Magnetism in FeAs Strips: Neutron Scattering from CaFe4As3", Y. Nambu, L. L. Zhao, E. Morosan, K. Kim, G. Kotliar, P. Zajdel, M. A. Green, W. Ratcliff, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, and C. Broholm, Physical Review Letters 106, 037201 (4 pages) (2011).
宮田 敦彦 (フランス国立強磁場研究所)
"Ultrahigh magnetic field phases in frustrated triangular-lattice magnet CuCrO2", A. Miyata, O. Portugall, D. Nakamura, K. Ohgushi, and S. Takeyama, Phys. Rev. B 96, 180401 (R) (5 pages) (2017).

"Direct measurement of the exciton binding energy and effective masses for charge carriers in organic-inorganic tri-halide perovskites", A. Miyata, O. Portugall, A. Mitioglu, P. Plochocka, O. Portugall, J.T-W. Wang, S.D. Stranks, H.J. Snaith, and R.J. Nicholas, Nature Physics 11, 582 (7 pages) (2015).

"Magnetic Phases of a Highly Frustrated Magnet, ZnCr2O4, up to an Ultrahigh Magnetic Field of 600 T", A. Miyata, H. Ueda, Y. Ueda, H. Sawabe, and S. Takeyama, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 207203 (5 pages) (2011).
領域名 領域4: 半導体,メゾスコピック系,量子輸送 (2名)
鎌田 大 (Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain, Ecole Normale Superieure)
"Anomalous modulation of Josephson radiation in nanowire-based Josephson junctions", H. Kamata*, R. S. Deacon*, S. Matsuo, K. Li, S. Jeppesen, L. Samuelson, H. Q. Xu, K. Ishibashi, and S. Tarucha (*equal contribution), Physical Review B 98, 041302(R) (2018)

"Fractionalized wave packets from an artificial Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid", H. Kamata, N. Kumada, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa,. Nature Nanotechnology 9, 177-181 (2014)

"Voltage-controlled group velocity of edge magnetoplasmon in the quantum Hall regime", H. Kamata, T. Ota, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa, Physical Review B 81, 085329 (2010)
平山 元昭 (理化学研究所 計算物質科学研究チーム)
"Weyl Node and Spin Texture in Trigonal Tellurium and Selenium", M.Hirayama, S. Ishibashi, R. Okugawa, S. Murakami, and T. Miayake, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 206401 (2015)

"Topological Dirac Nodal Lines in fcc Calcium, Strontium, and Ytterbium", M.Hirayama, R. Okugawa, S. Ishibashi, T. Miayake, and S. Murakami, Nat. Commun. 8, 14022 (2017)

"Electrides as a New Platform of Topological Materials", M.Hirayama, S. Matsuishi, H. Hosono, and S. Murakami, Phys. Rev. X 8, 031067 (2018)
領域名 領域5: 光物性 (2名)
工藤 哲弘 (台湾・国立交通大学 理学院 応用化学系)
"A Single Large Assembly with Dynamically Fluctuating Swarms of Gold Nanoparticles Formed by Trapping Laser", T. Kudo, S. J. Yang and H. Masuhara Nano Lett., 2018, 18 (9), pp 5846-5853

"Optical Trapping-Formed Colloidal Assembly with Horns Extended to the Outside of a Focus through Light Propagation", T. Kudo, S. F. Wang, K. Yuyama and H. Masuhara Nano Lett., 2016, 16 (5), pp 3058-3062

"Proposed Nonlinear Resonance Laser Technique for Manipulating Nanoparticles", T. Kudo and H. Ishihara, Physical Review Letters 109, 087402, 2012
玉谷 知裕 (東大物性研)
"Diabatic Mechanisms of Higher-order Harmonic Generation in Solid-state Materials under High-intensity lectric Fields", Phys. Rev. Lett, 116, 016601 (2016).

"Higher-order harmonic generation caused by elliptically polarized electric fields in solid-state materials", Phys. Rev. B 94, 241107(R) (2016).

"High-harmonic generation in graphene enhanced by elliptically polarized light excitation", Science 356, 736 (2017).
領域名 領域6: 金属(液体金属,準結晶),低温(超低温,超伝導,密度波) (1名)
斎藤 優 (理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター)
"Metallic ground state in an ion-gated two-dimensional superconductor", Y. Saito, Y. Kasahara, J. Ye, Y. Iwasa, and T. Nojima, Science 350, 409 (2015).

"Superconductivity protected by spin-valley locking in ion-gated MoS2", Y. Saito, Y. Nakamura, M. S. Bahramy, Y. Kohama, J. Ye, Y. Kasahara, Y. Nakagawa, M. Onga, M. Tokunaga, T. Nojima, Y. Yanase, and Y. Iwasa, Nature Phys. 12, 144 (2016).

"Quantum phase transitions in highly crystalline two-dimensional superconductors", Y. Saito, T. Nojima, and Y. Iwasa, Nature Commun. 9, 778 (2018).
領域名 領域7: 分子性固体 (2名)
橋本 顕一郎 (東北大学 金属材料研究所)
"Crystallization and vitrification of electrons in a glass-forming charge liquid", S. Sasaki, K. Hashimoto, R. Kobayashi, K. Itoh, S. Iguchi, Y. Nishio, Y. Ikemoto, T. Moriwaki, N. Yoneyama, M. Watanabe, A. Ueda, H. Mori, K. Kobayashi, R. Kumai, Y. Murakami, J. Muller, T. Sasaki, Science 357, 1381-1385 (2017).

"Emergence of charge degrees of freedom under high pressure in the organic dimer-Mott insulator β'-(BEDT-TTF)2ICl2", K. Hashimoto, R. Kobayashi, H. Okamura, H. Taniguchi, Y. Ikemoto, T. Moriwaki, S. Iguchi, M. Naka, S. Ishihara, T. Sasaki, Physical Review B 92, 085149 (2015).

"Collective excitation of a short-range charge ordering in θ-(BEDT-TTF)2CsZn(SCN)4", K. Hashimoto, S. C. Zhan, R. Kobayashi, S. Iguchi, N. Yoneyama, T. Moriwaki, Y. Ikemoto, T. Sasaki, Physical Review B 89, 085107 (2014).
渡邉 峻一郎 (東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科物質系専攻)
"Remarkably low flicker noise in solution-processed organic single crystal semiconductors", S. Watanabe, H. Sugawara, R. Hausermann, B. Bluelle, A. Yamamura, T. Okamoto, J. Takeya, Communications Physics 1, 37 (2018).

"2D coherent charge transport in highly ordered conducting polymers doped by solid state diffusion", K. Kang, S. Watanabe, K. Broch, A. Sepe, A. Brown, I. Nasrallah, M. Nikolka, Z. Fei, M. Heeney, D. Matsumoto, K. Marumoto, H. Tanaka, S. Kuroda, and H. Sirringhaus, Nature Materials 15, 896 (2016).

"Polaron spin current transport in organic semiconductors", S. Watanabe, K. Ando, K. Kang, S. Mooser, Y. Vaynzof, H. Kurebayashi, E. Saitoh, and H. Sirringhaus, Nature Physics 10, 308 (2014).
領域名 領域8: 強相関電子系 (2名)
酒井 明人 (東京大学物性研究所)
"Superconductivity in the Ferroquadrupolar State in the Quadrupolar Kondo Lattice PrTi2Al2", Akito Sakai, Kentaro Kuga and Satoru Nakatsuji, J.Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 083702 (2012).

"Signature of frustrated moments in quantum critical CePd1-xNixAl" ,Akito Sakai,1 Stefan Lucas, Philipp Gegenwart, Oliver Stockert, Hilbert v. Lohneysen, and Veronika Fritsch, Phys. Rev. B 94, 220405(R), (2016).

"Giant anomalous Nernst effect and quantum-critical scaling in a ferromagnetic semimetal" ,Akito Sakai, Yo Pierre Mizuta, Agustinus Agung Nugroho, Rombang Sihombing, Takashi Koretsune, Michi-To Suzuki, Nayuta Takemori, Rieko Ishii, Daisuke Nishio-Hamane, Ryotaro Arita, Pallab Goswami and Satoru Nakatsuji, Nature Physics, doi:10.1038/s41567-018-0225-6(2018)
速水 賢 (北海道大学大学院理学研究院物理学部門)
"Toroidal order in metals without local inversion symmetry", S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome, Physical Review B, vol. 90, issue 2, 024432-1-12 (2014).

"Spontaneous parity breaking in spin-orbital coupled systems", S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome, Physical Review B, vol. 90, issue 8, 081115(R)-1-5 (2014).

"Asymmetric Magnon Excitation by Spontaneous Toroidal Ordering", S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome, Journal of The Physical Society of Japan, vol. 85, number 5, 053705-1-5 (2016).
領域名 領域9: 表面・界面,結晶成長 (2名)
一ノ倉 聖 (東京工業大学理学院物理)
Two-dimensional superconductor with giant Rashba effect: One-atomic-layer Tl-Pb compound on Si(111), A. V. Matetskiy, S. Ichinokura, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, R. Hobara, A. Takayama, and S. Hasegawa: Physical Review Letters 115, 147003 (2015).

Superconducting Calcium-Intercalated Bilayer Graphene,S. Ichinokura, K. Sugawara, A. Takayama, T. Takahashi and S. Hasegawa:ACS nano 10, 2761-2765 (2016).

`Superconductivity in thallium double atomic layer and transition into an insulating phase intermediated by a quantum metal state, S. Ichinokura, L. Bondarenko, A. Tupchaya, D. Gruznev, A. Zotov, A. Saranin, and S. Hasegawa: 2D Materials 4, 025020 (2017).
今田 裕 (理化学研究所 開拓研究本部)
Atomic-scale luminescence measurement and theoretical analysis unveiling electron energy dissipation at a p-type GaAs(110) surface;Hiroshi Imada, Kuniyuki Miwa, Jaehoon Jung, Tomoko K. Shimizu, Naoki Yamamoto, Yousoo Kim, Nanotechnology 26 365402 (2015).

Single molecule investigation of energy dynamics in a coupled plasmon-exciton system, Hiroshi Imada, Kuniyuki Miwa, Miyabi Imai-Imada, Shota Kawahara, Kensuke Kimura, Yousoo Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 013901 (2017).

Real-space investigation of energy transfer in heterogeneous molecular dimer, Hiroshi Imada, Kuniyuki Miwa, Miyabi Imai-Imada, Shota Kawahara, Kensuke Kimura, Yousoo Kim, Nature 538 364-367 (2016).
領域名 領域10: 構造物性(誘電体,格子欠陥・ナノ構造,X線・粒子線,フォノン) (2名)
只野 央将 (物質・材料研究機構 若手国際研究センター)
"Impact of Rattlers on Thermal Conductivity of a Thermoelectric Clathrate: A First-Principles Study", T. Tadano, Y. Gohda, and S. Tsuneyuki, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 095501(2015).

"Self-consistent phonon calculations of lattice dynamical properties in cubic SrTiO3 with first-principles anharmonic force constants", T. Tadano and S. Tsuneyuki, Phys. Rev. B 92, 054301(2015).

"Quartic Anharmonicity of Rattlers and Its Effect on Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Clathrates from First Principles", T. Tadano and S. Tsuneyuki, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 105901(2018).
森 龍也 (筑波大学・数理物質系・物質工学域)
"Boson peak dynamics of glassy glucose studied by integrated terahertz-band spectroscopy", M. Kabeya, T. Mori, Y. Fujii, A. Koreeda, B. W. Lee, J. H. Ko, S. Kojima, Phys. Rev. B 94, 224204 (2016).

"Optical Conductivity Spectral Anomalies in the Off-Center Rattling System β-Ba8Ga16Sn30", T. Mori, K. Iwamoto, S. Kushibiki, H. Matsumoto, N. Toyota, M. A. Avila, K. Suekuni, T. Takabatake, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 015501 (2011).

"Optical conductivity of rattling phonons in type-I clathrate Ba8Ga16Ge30", T. Mori, S. Goshima, K. Iwamoto, S. Kushibiki, H. Matsumoto, N. Toyota, K. Suekuni, M. A. Avila, T. Takabatake, T. Hasegawa, N. Ogita, M. Udagawa, Phys. Rev. B 79, 212301/1-4 (2009).
領域名 領域11: 物性基礎論,統計力学,流体物理,応用数学,社会経済物理 (3名)
江端 宏之 (九州大学 先導物質化学研究所)
Hiroyuki Ebata, Masaki Sano, "Self-Replicating Holes in a Vertically Vibrated Dense Suspension", Physical Review Letters 107, 088301 (2011)

Hiroyuki Ebata, Masaki Sano, "Swimming droplets driven by a surface wave", Scientific Reports 5, 8546 (2015)

Hiroyuki Ebata, Aki Yamamoto, Yukie Tsuji, Saori Sasaki, Kousuke Moriyama, "Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, Persistent random deformation model of cells crawling on a gel surface", Scientific Reports 8, 5135 (2018).
岡田 崇 (理化学研究所, 数理創造プログラム)
T. Okada, and A. Mochizuki, "Law of localization in chemical reaction networks,"Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 048101 (2016)

T. Okada, and A. Mochizuki, "Sensitivity and network topology in chemical reaction systems,"Phys. Rev. E 96, 022322 (2017)

T. Okada, JC. Tsai, A. Mochizuki, "Structural bifurcation analysis in chemical reaction systems,"Phys. Rev. E 98, 012417 (2018)
佐野 友彦 (立命館大学理工学部物理科学科)
T. G. Sano, T. Yamaguchi and H. Wada, "Slip Morphology of Elastic Strips on Frictional Rigid Substrates",Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 178001 (2017)

T. G. Sano and H. Wada, "Snap-buckling in asymmetrically constrained elastic strips",Phys. Rev. E 97, 013002 (2018)

T. G. Sano and H. Wada, "Twist-induced snapping in a bent elastic ribbon",preprint
領域名 領域12: ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理 (3名)
尾澤 岬 (モンペリエ大学 シャルル・クーロン研究所)
Equilibrium phase diagram of a randomly pinned glass-former, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 112, 6914-6919 (2015).

Configurational entropy measurements in extremely supercooled liquids that break the glass ceiling, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 114, 201706860 (2017)

Random critical point separates brittle and ductile yielding transitions in amorphous materials, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 115, 6656 (2018)
栗田 玲 (首都大学東京理学部物理学科)
Control of pattern formation during phase separation initiated by a propagated trigger, Scientific REPOrtS,7: 6912

Close relationship between a dry-wet transition and a bubble rearrangement in two-dimensional foam, Scientific Reports, 6:37506

Response of Soft Continuous Structures and Topological Defects to a Temperature Gradient, PRL 119, 108003 (2017)
原田 隆平 (筑波大学計算科学研究センター)
Protein Crowding Affects Hydration Structure and Dynamics, Journal of the American Chemical Society, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 4842-4849

Reduced Native State Stability in Crowded Cellular Environment Due to Protein-Protein Interactions, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 3696-3701

Parallel cascade selection molecular dynamics (PaCS-MD) to generate conformational transition pathway, The Journal of Chemical Physics 139 , 035103 (2013);
領域名 領域13: 物理教育,物理学史,環境物理  (0名)
該当者なし (    ) 
