APPC-AIP Congress への旅費援助の申請案内
第13回アジア太平洋物理学会APPC-13と第22回豪州物理学会の合同会議(APPC-AIP Congress,2016年12月4~8日,ブリスベン)への旅費援助の申請案内が,AAPPSメンバーである本会宛に来ましたので,希望者は下記に従って申請して下さい.
International Travel Award
The Australian Institute of Physics and the Asia Pacific Center for
Theoretical Physics invite applications for an International Travel Award,
aimed at support delegate attendance from AAPPS member societies to the
APPC-AIP Congress in Brisbane in December.
The closing date for applications is *Monday 15 August 2016*.
Instructions and the application form are available on the Conference
Please note if you have already registered and wish to apply for the award,
please do not register again. Refunds of your previous payment will be
organised should you be successful in receiving an award.
If you have any questions, please email
Kind regards
The Conference Logistics Team
Coference Logistics
PO Box 6150, Kingston ACT 2604, Australia
Acting as Agent for AIP